PARTNER: ATP - Prop. 1 - Prop. 68

Hire A Corps

NEED A CREW? California’s local corps are an excellent resource for your environmental and community service projects. Our skilled, reliable and well-trained crews will meet your needs while building the next generation of environmental stewards in California. From landscaping to urban forestry, affordable housing construction to emergency response and a host of other Initiatives, local corpsmembers are trained by our experienced staff to meet the highest standards and get the job done with professionalism and efficiency.

Here’s what you’ll get when you contract with a local corps:

  • Diverse, well-trained work crews with supervisor
  • Tools, Vehicles and Supplies
  • Worker’s comp and insurance coverage
  • Excellent value

Seeking a partnership with a corps ensures compliance with ATP, Prop 68, and Prop 1 program guidelines. See below for more information.

  • Did you know that Civicorps Recycling provides single stream collection services to over 1,200 businesses in Oakland, collecting 166 tons of recycling materials and 11 tons of E-waste every month? Recycling Interns who are on a pathway to become commercial truck drivers perform seven daily routes. Civicorps pays for all training hours on the road, behind-the-wheel training, and in the classroom. Once our Interns get their Class B commercial driver’s license, they’re eligible to transfer to Waste Management as a Teamster apprentice.

    We are so proud to announce that Santiago Galvez-Flores is the newest Recycling Intern promoted to an apprenticeship with WM.  After training with Civicorps for two years, Santi was selected for this highly competitive position.




Partner with your local corps on Active Transportation Program projects

Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Work with your local corps on projects related to Prop 68

Prop. 68 – Parks & Environment

Hire your local corps for multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects

Prop. 1 – Water

Hire a skilled, enthusiastic crew from your own community for a wide range of projects

General Business



  • The Sonoma RCD was very pleased with Conservation Corps North Bay’s work on our emergency fire restoration projects. We look forward to working with them again. The land has been greatly improved by the Corps.
    Aaron FairbrookProgram Manager, Sonoma Resource Conservation District
  • I would like to give a big compliment to the Urban Corps of San Diego County crews... Both supervisors and crews have been exceptional in performing and completing the tasks given to them and their crew supervision has been nothing but outstanding. Thank you again for providing Mission Trails Regional Park with outstanding field supervisors and crews.
    Melvyn NaidasPark Ranger, Mission Trails Regional Park
  • At the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, we have a lot of need for land management and land restoration work. The San Jose Conservation Corps has helped us do a lot of fuel that in the event of a fire the fire doesn’t climb up to the tree and start spreading from the tops of the canopies of the trees. Our staff are always excited when they have the opportunity to work with the San Jose Conservation Corps. They really bring in a lot of energy and there’s opportunity for the young adults to learn new skills. They are our next generation stewards.
    Ana RuizGeneral Manager, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
  • For 32 years, the Los Angeles Conservation Corps has been an indispensable partner. The Corps is turning passion into action and opportunity into lasting change in our communities.
    Eric GarcettiMayor of Los Angeles
  • The young people of the Conservation Corps of Long Beach are vastly improving the Lower LA River Landscape through their tireless efforts and stewardship of the River.  At the same time they are improving their own lives, the lives of their families, and their community.
    Senator Lena Gonzalez (33rd District)
  • The Golden Hills Community Services District (District) is benefiting directly from the efforts of the Farmworker Institute of Education and Leadership Development (FIELD), who have secured a grant in the amount of $573, 203 to restore and fence a 165-acre nature park in the Golden Hills community.  Using local restoration crews, FIELD will install preventative barriers and restore areas of the park that have been affected by illegal off-highway vehicle use.  These efforts will assist the District in maintaining open meadows and a historic lake and seasonal stream that will enhance the quality of life for the Golden Hills community and visitors.  Thank you FIELD for the partnership opportunity!
    Susan WellsGeneral Manager, Golden Hills Community Services District
  • While I was working on various details, I realized what an integral part the Local Conservation Corps has become to the City of Fresno Waste Tire events over the last two years. Your organization has consistently provided quality work crews that are capable, enthusiastic and ready to get the job done. I have been impressed by their courtesy, professionalism, motivation and the seamless incorporation of your team members with our own and I cannot imagine an Amnesty event without the help of the Local Conservation Corps. I am looking forward to many more successful Waste Tire Amnesty Day events with the Local Conservation Corps.
    John OutfleetSenior Community Revitalization Specialist, City of Fresno
  • For many years, the Orange County Conservation Corps has been a hard-working, reliable recycling partner in Irvine. The success of our program is due in large part to the dedication and commitments of the OCCC.
    Michael J. ByrneSr. Management Analyst, City of Irvine Community Services
  • The work you do for San Francisco is simply young people with limited opportunities the chance to learn, thrive, and gain skills needed to enter the workforce really is essential for building our new economy in this century and providing a solid foundation for young people for the workforce.
    Senator Dianne Feinstein
  • We have had great success with past Sequoia Community Corps corpsmembers and we currently have an employee on staff that has been with us 7 years that came from SCC and now is our shop manager. Others have left but have gone on to working for other contractors and have found success through the process. One of our key installers also came from the Sequoia Community Corps.
    Chris TaylorGeneral Manager, The Glass Shop Commercial
  • Civicorps plays a deeply important role in the Bay Area’s conservation landscape. Their work with public agencies like EBRPD helps ensure our region’s precious open spaces, trails, and waterways remain beautiful, accessible, and environmentally sound. Through their dynamic job training program and rigorous high school diploma program, they are training the next generation of environmental stewards who will be on the forefront of protecting the Bay Area against the ravages of climate change. I am proud to advocate for Civicorps and the talented young people they serve.
    Senator Nancy Skinner
  • The Greater Valley Conservation Corps Corpsmembers and Staff have been an outstanding partner and have not only been instrumental in the joint cleanup efforts of our community but have also touched the hearts and lives of 90 Elderly, Disabled and Military Veterans who received free cleanup and junk removal during the 2019 San Joaquin County First District’s Free Dumpster Day events. 162 in total over the last 2 years have been helped who would of never been able to do it without the help of GVCC.
    Miguel VillapuduaFirst District Supervisor & Chairman, San Joaquin County
  • Did you know that Civicorps Recycling provides single stream collection services to over 1,200 businesses in Oakland, collecting 166 tons of recycling materials and 11 tons of E-waste every month? Recycling Interns who are on a pathway to become commercial truck drivers perform seven daily routes. Civicorps pays for all training hours on the road, behind-the-wheel training, and in the classroom. Once our Interns get their Class B commercial driver’s license, they’re eligible to transfer to Waste Management as a Teamster apprentice. We are so proud to announce that Santiago Galvez-Flores is the newest Recycling Intern promoted to an apprenticeship with WM.  After training with Civicorps for two years, Santi was selected for this highly competitive position.


Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps
6101 27th Street
Sacramento CA 95822
Counties served: Placer, Yolo, Solano, Amador, El Dorado, Nevada, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Butte, Glenn, Tehama, Shasta, Trinity, Siskiyou, Modoc, Lassen, Plumas, Sierra, Sacramento
To Join: click here
Greater Valley Conservation Corps
2040 E Fremont St.

Stockton CA 95205
Counties served: San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador CountySites: Stockton and SonoraTo Join: link
To Hirelink
To Join: click here
101 Myrtle St.

Oakland CA 94607
Counties served: Alameda, Contra CostaTo Join: link
To Join: click here
Conservation Corps North Bay
11 Pimentel CourtNovato, CA 94949
Counties served: Marin, Sonoma, NapaSites: San Rafael, Novato, and Santa RosaTo Join: link
To Hirelink
To Join: click here
San Francisco Conservation Corps
3450 Third St.

Bldg. 1D
San Francisco CA 94124

Counties served: San Francisco, San MateoTo Joinlink
To Hirelink
To Join: click here
San Jose Conservation Corps + Charter School
560 Berger Dr

San Jose CA 951122
Counties served: Santa Clara, San Mateo, AlamedaTo Join: link
To Hire: link
To Join: click here
Fresno EOC Local Conservation Corps
1805 E. California Ave

Fresno CA 93706
Counties served: Madera, FresnoTo Join: linko
To Join: click here
Sequoia Community Corps
312 NW 3rd Ave

Visalia CA 93291
Counties served: Tulare, KingsSites: Visalia and ExeterTo Join: link
To Join: click here
Cesar Chavez Environmental Corps
122 E. Tehachapi Blvd. Suite C

Tehachapi CA 93561
Counties served: KernSites: Bakersfield, California City, Delano, East Bakersfield, Gridley, Grass Valley, Greenfield, Indio, King City, Lamont, Mecca, McFarland, Salinas, Shafter, Soledad, Tehachapi, and Wasco
To Join: click here
Los Angeles Conservation Corps
1400 N. Spring Street

John Van de Kamp Center

Los Angeles CA 90012
Counties served: Los AngelesSites: Downtown LA, Compton, East LA, Griffith Park, South LA, Tujunga, and ResedaTo Join: link
To Hire: link
To Join: click here
Orange County Conservation Corps
1853 N. Raymond Avenue

Anaheim CA 92801
Counties served: Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Gabriel
To Join: click here
Conservation Corps of Long Beach
340 Nieto Avenue

Long Beach CA 90814
Counties served: Gateway Cities, CatalinaSites: Long Beach and Signal HillTo Join: link
To Join: click here
Urban Conservation Corps of the Inland Empire
1355 W. 26th Street

San Bernardino CA 92408
Counties served: Riverside, San BernardinoTo Join: link
To Join: click here
Urban Corps of San Diego County
3127 Jefferson Street

San Diego CA 92110
Counties served: San DiegoTo Join: link
To Hire: link
To Join: click here



For information about partnering with CALCC and the local corps, please email us at To connect directly with the local corps in your area, see the links to each local corps in the map above.